Dairy Dates 

We have our very special event for our pre-school graduating children coming up on Friday the 23rd of July. We are super excited to spend the afternoon celebrating their achievements as we get ready for the final few weeks of summer fun. 
We are looking to put on a trip within the summer weeks, we would be very grateful if anyone could volunteer. Once dates and places have been confirmed I can pop out an email to see if any of our parents can help and support the staff as we venture out of the community to explore. 


Monthly Challenge 

Our monthly challenge across the remainder of June and July is to explore water play. The children are thriving through water play experiences within the setting, and we would love to see how you are water playing at home. This can be as simple as bath play, water in the gardens/ outdoors, a trip to the beach or the swimming pool. Water is a fantastic learning tool which supports endless learning opportunities, and we would love to see how you are cooling down in the sunshine by enjoying water play. 


One of our parents has become a book partner with Usborne books?I am sure most of you will have some Usborne books within your homes to read to your little one(s) and have heard of the group Usborne? Usborne provide books for children ranging from babies to young teens? They have books of various interests, various types of books engaging all ages, all the classic stories, seasonal / topical books and great books to help introducing phonics and the stages of forming and reading sounds? I have added the links to Zoe's Usborne website below and if your sear for "Read with me Zoe" you will find her Facebook page to join too☺️
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